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Next MAGIC Mom Experience:
An entrepreneur, according to Merriam‐Webster’s online edition, is “a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.”
Any enterprise—with initiative and risk. The words “initiative and risk” exhilarate some of you and spark fear for others,
like me. I was terrified of entrepreneurship yet fully aware something was magical about it, and I believed that lots of
freedom and opportunity could be found through its pursuit.
I believe being a mom is, in fact, the most entrepreneurial venture that exists on the planet. Talk about managing an enterprise and taking risks without a guidebook!
As an entrepreneur who has started businesses and who has coached entrepreneurs for years, one of the most sought-after
qualities in those whom entrepreneurs are looking to hire is the entrepreneurial spirit. Entrepreneurs can (and should) exist within every organization. These individuals are known as “intrapreneurs,” as they are growing and building within
an existing structure.
The world holds countless opportunities and those who possess an entrepreneurial spirit are best positioned to seize the opportunities life throws their way. The entrepreneurial spirit will serve your daughter (or son) absolutely anywhere she (or he) chooses to go in life.
YES! All Moms are welcome!
This is for Moms who:
-are of all ages / stages of motherhood (whether expecting a little one or even if yours are fully grown and out of the nest)
-are feeling a bit worn down or tired in need of some inspiration
-are feeling a bit lonely and who could use authentic connection and friendship
-don't like superficial conversations and who crave safe space to be real
-could use some focused time to recenter on what matters most in this season
Reading the book is not necessary to attend the retreat but if you're curious about what I mean by MAGIC, here is a glimpse:
(Model): How am I modeling who I want my daughter to be as an adult?
(Affirm): What spoken affirmation enables my subconscious to help me find the answers?
(Grace): Who can I extend grace to in this situation and moment
(Inquire): What new questions could I ask to open up more possibility?
(Coach): How am I showing up as a Coach to my daughter right now? Who is coaching me to become the best version of myself?
Hi, I'm Alyce.
I’m an author, coach, speaker, entrepreneur, community builder, and the ultimate Girl Mom raising four wildly adventurous daughters while running multiple businesses alongside my husband of 22+ years, Seth.
Raising entrepreneurial-spirited young women in today’s increasingly complex world has been the catalyst for my personal growth and journey into my calling and purpose: to empower moms to become the best version of themselves, so they can equip the next generation of women to be healthy and whole.
As a first-generation American, my parents gave me the gift of opportunity. What I did with that gift was up to me. There was no roadmap for me to follow, so I had to figure most things out myself. And though I didn’t learn the tools to pursue my entrepreneurial spirit from my family of origin, I’ve made it my goal to develop these skills in my daughters.
…thanks to something I call MAGIC, it’s safe to say that I have.
This event takes place at my private residence in Austin, TX.
This includes our time together as a community of Moms, refreshments, a catered lunch, and any materials that are used throughout the day.
Having a safe space and interacting with such different, warm and loving women. The level of empathy and sense of belonging was an unexpected gift.
It was perfectly balanced for me. It had depth, self reflection, one on one spaces, group discussions, enough time for each part and an action item/deliverable.
Being in a room of honest, women of strength engaged in conversation around meaningful questions...
Your energy, heart and drive is amazing and you are beautiful!
Thank you for creating a space for women to connect and grow together!
You beautifully created the structure for this gathering that allowed the flow of conversation and community.